Fall is coming! Whoot whoot!
I can't be the only one excited about that....
I can finally turn the oven on after several months of million degree weather.
As it was raining today I figured some Homemade Tomato Soup would go great with these Garlic Biscuit Sticks. These are basically an amped up version of a plain ol' baking powder biscuit. You can make them in the usual biscuit shape but I find by cutting them into sticks you have the perfect dipping object for your soup.
So put on your favorite sweat pants and hoodie, grab your favorite fuzzy blanket, whip up some soup and biscuits, and settle in.
Garlic Biscuit Sticks
1 cup butter
1/4 tsp garlic powder
4 med/large cloves garlic, minced
4 1/2 cups flour
2 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1 Tbsp dried chives
2 2/3 cup buttermilk
Preheat oven to 450. Line a cookie tray with parchment paper, set aside. (The cookie tray needs to have sides as there will be excess butter on the tray and if there are no sides it could run off into the oven and may cause a fire!!!)
Prepare butter - While oven is heating, place butter in an oven safe skillet (or dish) to melt. When butter is melted and bubbly, add in garlic powder and minced garlic. Remove from oven and set side.
Prepare biscuit sticks - In a large bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, garlic salt, and chives. Stir in buttermilk, starting with 2 cups and then adding more as needed to get a soft yet not-too-sticky dough.
Dump dough out of bowl onto well floured work surface.
Roll out to approx 15 X 18 rectangle.
Cut into 1 inch by 5 inch sticks. (Or your preferred size!)
Take each stick and place it into the melted butter mixture. Using a flipper, flip stick over to coat other side. Using the flipper, remove the stick and place on prepared cookie tray.
Repeat with all the sticks. (I got 36 sticks)
They can be touching on the sheet or you can place then a little bit apart, either way will work.
Once all the sticks have been coated in garlic butter, place tray in oven and bake at 450 until golden brown, approx 15 - 20 minutes.
Remove from heat and serve hot.
A few things about these:
1. Try to handle the dough as little as possible. The more you handle it the tougher the biscuits will be.
2. These are best the day the are made. The following day they are not crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside (as they are fresh), they get a bit chewy and just aren't as good.
3. DO NOT forget that the skillet you melted the butter in was in the hot oven and therefore scorching hot and then pick it up bare handed. (Just sayin' it COULD happen. Not that it did happen.... because it didn't...not to me....Nope...not at all...)
Perfect soup dippers.
Be sure to visit Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons and Love Bakes Good Cakes and Memories By The Mile and Hun... What's For Dinner? for tons of great links!

Super YUM!! Thanks for sharing at Simple Supper Tuesday.