Have you ever seen the Hungry Happenings blog? It is an incredibly creative blog that Sue and I keep stealing ideas from. I really don't know how this woman (who is crazy talented) comes up with all of her ideas.
These Beary Cute Taco Tarts were inspired by her Teddy Bear Taco Tart. I hope you go check out her blog. You won't believe some of the things there.
Anyways, Sue and I made this cute couple for our Valentine's dinner a few days ago. You would not believe how easy these actually are.

Looks intimidating to make, yes? It's not....at all.
I am not going to attempt to write out the how-to on this delectable dish when you can GO HERE for the full step-by-step instructions (with photos far superior to ours!).
The kids will love how cute these look and how tasty they are. What's not to love about cheese, flaky pastry, and taco seasoned meat?
We changed the Hungry Happenings recipe a little by making a girl and boy bear by simply adding a tie on the boy and a little bow on the girl. We just cut these out of cheese and painted them with food coloring. The eyes and nose are olives, the hearts - red pepper, and the rest of the bear decorations - cheese cut outs.
I apologize for the poor quality of the photos. The one camera we have that still works is ancient and is slowly dying as well. I think you get the main idea though. They are so cute. Cute enough that when it came time to cut and serve them for dinner we felt a little guilty cutting off their heads.
Well, I didn't feel too guilty. I like to bite the heads off gummy bears.
Sue may have cried a little though.
There you have it. A fairly quick and easy dinner to put together for Valentine's Day. You could actually use the puff pastry to make tarts for any holiday. Shape it as a shamrock for St. Patrick's Day, an egg for Easter, etc. It would make a fun meal for dinner just to surprise the kids too.
One of the things that was nice about this was Sue and I were able to prepare the pastry shell the day before and then all we had to do was put it together when we were ready to serve it.
We layered the cheese into the empty shell and then broiled it for long enough to melt the cheese and warm the tart. We then filled it with the hot taco meat. (Which Sue had prepared earlier in the day and then simply microwaved to reheat)
If you want the step-by-step for this then please go to Hungry Happenings. Beth, the blog author, has layed it out in a simple and straight forward fashion.Tell her Jo and Sue sent you :)
Hey, if Sue and I can do it then anyone can do it!
Thanks for all the wonderful things you said about me:) It is so fun for me to see how I have inspired the two of you. Your families are so lucky to have such creative cooks making meals for them. Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day.