
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Project 56 Update #2

Well, here we are, almost halfway through February already!
Sue and Kenz and I figured we had better update everyone on how we were doing with Project 56.
As you may, or may not, remember, Project 56 is something Sue and I and Kenzie came up with to help celebrate our milestone birthdays.
Read about why we started HERE.
And then, to read about our first update you can visit HERE.
I will summarize it for you:
Basically, we wanted to do something to give back to our wonderful community. We decided to do 56 Random Acts Of Kindness in a year. We started in July on our birthday and we are now just over halfway through the year.
We have been doing pretty good! We haven't actually sat down to count how many random acts we have done but I know we are not quite at 56 yet! Since our last update this is what we have been up to:
The photo above is the three of us (with good friend, Holly) at the bake sale we put on for the local food banks. We managed to raise $800.!!
We also baked to help support several other bake sales by other groups.
We made these adorable Dog In A Dog hotdogs for a skate park fundraiser. They sold very well.
The Caramel Apple Gallettes sold very well at our mother's church bazaar. Along with many other treats we baked!
Kenzie made us proud over the Christmas season. She volunteered at the church bazaar with our nephew, Nick, and a friend. She also volunteers regularly at our local seniors' home. Over Christmas her and a friend went in and decorated for the seniors' Christmas party.
Sue and I (in front) and friends, Holly, Taylor, Kenzie, and Claire, got together at Christmas and drove around looking at the Christmas light displays on people's houses. We bought and wrapped some chocolates and candies and knocked on the doors of people who decorated their houses to give the gifts out. We had little cards made up that said, "Thank you for making our Christmas a little brighter." This idea we owe to Holly! (P.S. - Thanks for letting us be part of this fun night.)
Some of our other Random Acts Of Kindness:
we bought gifts for our local Angel Tree, which gives gifts to children who would otherwise not get any at Christmas,
we shoveled a couple of driveways in the snow,
Sue made turkey soup for mom and dad and I when we were all sick with horrible colds (hey! family counts for Random Acts Of Kindness too!)
Sue is volunteering at the school assisting with special crafting classes for kids,
we also had so much fun with small Random Acts Of Kindness like holding doors open, letting people go in front of us at the grocery store, and - because Kenzie is soooooo tall - helping people reach the groceries on the the top shelf at the grocery store.
She asks all the time, "Do you want me to get that for you?"
It still amazes me how much we are getting out of this "project" for ourselves.
With only a few more months left until our next birthday we will be sure to make a complete list of our 56 Random Acts Of Kindness to list on our birthday in July.
What are your favorite Random Acts Of Kindness?
Visit The Chicken Chick for some great links!


  1. Thanks for the update on the RAKs! You have come up with some wonderful ideas.
    I love those little dog in a dogs, how cute are they?!?!
    I adore the Christmas lights gift giving too! Wonderful idea.
    My niece just recently spent several days doing RAKs in memory of the 2 babies that she lost, what a wonderful way to remember her angel babies. She left hand warmers and a gift card for Tim Horton's (coffee and bake shop) for the mail carrier and got a lovely thank you note back from him.
    I'm big into couponing and a couple weeks ago there was a great deal at one of the drug stores to get a product for free if you used a coupon and got their rewards coupon. The cashier remarked on that great deal and asked if the coupon was in that days paper. I told her it was from a week or two earlier. I knew I had an extra one, so I got it from the car and took it in to her so she could get the free deal too. She was so appreciative!

    1. Thank you for sharing your RAKs with us! It is soooo rewarding, isn't it?!

  2. You guys are the best Jo! So proud of all of you, keep it up! Hugs! :D
