
Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Sweets #2

Sue and I had so much fun getting things ready for Halloween this year. We probably should have invited more people to our dinner...we made soooooo much food.
Anyway, we will be sharing our sweet Halloween treats with you today. Some of the photos of food we will be following up with an additional blog to tell you the recipe or how to. We'll make notes on the ones we will be doing additional blogs on as well adding links to those blogs when they are done.
For now... we hope you like our Halloween 2012 sweets!
The above photo was our Creepy Cheesecake Face (Click HERE for the how to and recipe!) I thought it turned out pretty macabre.
These cute little guys were Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball Spiders (Click HEREto see that blog.) The original recipe makes one giant cheese ball that you can serve with cookies instead of crackers. I thought I would turn it into a million little spiders instead.
Another recipe we will doing a separate blog for. I call them Stabby Truffles because...well.....basically because I am terrible at naming things.
Aren't they so cute?
Be sure to check back for a link to the recipe and how-to. (Update - Click HERE for recipe) If you can believe it; you only need 3 ingredients to make the truffles. Crazy, right?
This picture is of the jello eyeball "shots". (I forgot to get a close up of them!) These were really fun. You just make jello and put a gummy eyeball in the center. You can make them "adult" but adding alcohol, but we kept ours kid-friendly as we had kids at the dinner.
Sue and I found a skull mold so had to made some spooky ice cubes. We froze pink grapefruit juice so it would add a bit of flavor to whatever we added it to!
It's the small touches that can make big impressions.
For a bake sale we made several different Halloween Sugar Cookies. You can read our blog about them HERE. The above ginger-dead man was probably my favorite.
There is the majority of them. If you want the recipe for the cookie and/or icing, be sure to visit HERE.
Oooooh...spooky vampire cupcakes.  

These were super easy to make. You just add a spoonful of cherrry pie filling to the center of a chocolate cupcake before you bake it.
You then ice it flat with white frosting and put a few drops of red icing to make it look like fangs bit it. Easy peasy yet super cool. (We got the "Take A Bite" wrappers from Michaels)
Sue and I have decided that "really simple" skeleton faces are not, after all, really simple.
This guy was the only guy that looked spooky. The other ones we tried looked a little too friendly to be skeletons.
I had to show this photo of the COOLEST chocolate bars EVER. At first glance I bet you didn't even notice the names on the bars.
They aren't Smarties - they are Scaries.
They aren't Coffee Crisp - they are Coffin Crisp
They aren't Aero - they are Scaero
And, the Kit cat on the package.
I found these at the dollar store. Awesome...awesome...awesome...
Where did I get the cool Scooby Doo lunch bag, you ask?
My friend, Angel, gave it to me. Gave. It. To. Me. Who just gives away their cool Scooby Doo lunch bag?
Crazy people..that's who.
Anyway... I made these cute little paper wrappers for the chocolate bars so they look even cuter (if that is possible) to hand out to the trick-or-treaters.
You can visit for the template for the wrappers.
There is a shot of the desserts on the table after dinner.
We were pretty happy with how our sweet treats turned out this year.
We were thrilled with how our dinner creations turned out! Come back tomorrow to see our dinner round-up with links to our recipes and how-to's.
Please leave us a comment to let us know what you think of our Halloween creations.
Stop by Ms. enPlace for some fun food and crafting links!
Don't forget The Rustic Pig as well.


  1. I. LOVE. All of this!! I'm a big Halloween freak and this is just so much fun. The eyeball shots and vampire cupcakes are my favorites. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Everything looks amazing. What a fun bunch of dessert ideas. I look forward to your blog post tutorials!
