
Friday, July 8, 2011

Jordan's Grad

Nick, Jord, Trav

Our middle nephew, Jordan, graduated from high school this June. He is our older sister, Orra’s, middle child. Her oldest, Travis, graduated a few years ago and her youngest, Nicholas, has 3 more years to go. We had a lot of family up to help us celebrate. We held a big barbeque on the weekend with lots of delicious food and some pretty cute treats as well.

Many of Jord’s teachers from the high school (even the principal) popped by the BBQ for a visit and to wish Jord well. Jordan has ADHD and ODD so his high school years were a bit turbulent at times. The teachers that attended really made a difference in his life and we were grateful that they wanted to come by and tell him how proud they were of him.
Orra made a special presentation to Ms. Hansen, a teacher who would go out of her way to help Jord in so many ways. Orra cried several times. She’s a bit emotional when it comes to her babies.
Jord thanking Ms. Hansen while Orra tried not to cry...again...

I remember when Sue and I was a few years fact, let’s not talk about how long ago it was.
At the grad ceremonies Jord walked up with a boy who is in a wheelchair because of a disability. This boy, Ken, had been practicing all year to be able to stand up out of his wheelchair and walk with crutches through the gymnasium to the podium where the grads sat. Jordan attended some of the practices so he could help Ken over some of the harder parts (they had to cross a bridge).
During the opening of the ceremonies they called all of the grads up to the podium and they sat down...Jordan and Ken were called last. When they entered the gym the audience erupted in applause! Even his classmates gave him a standing ovation. It was very emotional. We were very proud of Jordan for the part he played in Ken’s accomplishment. (Even though he will say he “didn’t do anything”) Some kids may have been resentful that the attention wasn’t focused on them in their “big moment” but Jordan didn’t even think about that.
Yup, our Jordo is pretty great. Aunty Sue and Aunty Jo are very proud of him. We are very proud of all three of our nephews! I am sure they will come up many times in our blog as we go on.
Jord and Aunty Jo and Aunty Sue
The graduating class of 2011 definitely has at least one kid who is going to do great things!

Jordan and his proud momma (Orra)

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